- class dynadojo.challenges.FixedTrainSize#
Challenge where the size of the training set is fixed, the complexity of the system is varied, and the error is measured.
(n, L, E, t, system_cls, reps, ...)Initialize the class.
(algo_cls[, algo_kwargs, ...])Evaluates an algorithm class (NOT an instance) on a dynamical system over a set of experimental parameters.
(data[, n, show, show_stats, plot_ood, ax])- returns:
A plot of the data.
(rep_id, latent_dim, embed_dim, ...)For a given system latent dimension and embedding dimension, instantiates system and for a specific N, evaluates the algorithm on the system.
- __init__(n, L, E, t, system_cls, reps, test_examples, test_timesteps, max_control_cost_per_dim=0, control_horizons=0, system_kwargs=None, verbose=True)#
Initialize the class.
- Parameters:
n (int) – The size of the training set.
L (int) – The complexities of the system.
E (int) – The embedding dimensions of the system.
t (int) – The number of timesteps to simulate.
max_control_cost_per_dim (int) – The maximum control cost per dimension.
control_horizons (int) – The number of control horizons to consider.
system_cls (type) – The system class to use.
reps (int) – The number of repetitions to run.
test_examples (int) – The number of test examples to use.
test_timesteps (int) – The number of timesteps to simulate for the test examples.
system_kwargs (dict) – The keyword arguments to pass to the system class.
verbose (bool) –
- evaluate(algo_cls, algo_kwargs=None, fit_kwargs=None, act_kwargs=None, ood=False, noisy=False, id=None, num_parallel_cpu=-1, seed=None, reps_filter=None, L_filter=None, rep_l_filter=None)#
Evaluates an algorithm class (NOT an instance) on a dynamical system over a set of experimental parameters.
- Parameters:
algo_cls (type[AbstractAlgorithm]) – Algorithm class to be evaluated.
algo_kwargs (dict or None, optional) – Keyword arguments to be passed to algo_cls.
fit_kwargs (dict or None, optional) – Keyword arguments to be passed to algo_cls.fit.
act_kwargs (dict or None, optional) – Keyword arguments to be passed to algo_cls.act.
ood (bool, optional) – If True, also test on out-distribution initial conditions for the test set. (For FixedError, search is performed on ood_error if ood=True.) Defaults to False. If False, generate out-of-distribution initial conditions for the test set.
noisy (bool, optional) – If True, add noise to the train set. Defaults to False. If False, no noise is added.
id (int or None, optional) – Algorithm ID associated with evaluation results in the returned DataFrame.
num_parallel_cpu (int, optional) – Number of CPUs to use in parallel. Defaults to -1, which uses all available CPUs.
seed (int or None, optional) – Seed to seed the random number generator for seeding systems and algorithms. Defaults to None. Is overridden by seeds in system_kwargs or algo_kwargs.
reps_filter (list of int or None, optional) – If provided, will only evaluate system_runs with the given rep_ids. Defaults to None, which evaluates all repetitions.
L_filter (list of int or None, optional) – If provided, will only evaluate system_runs with the given latent dimensions. Defaults to None, which evaluates all latent dimensions.
rep_l_filter (list of tuple(int, int) or None, optional) – If provided, will only evaluate system_runs with the given (rep_id, latent_dim) pairs. Defaults to None, which evaluates all (rep_id, latent_dim) pairs.
- Returns:
A DataFrame where each row is the result of an algorithm trained and evaluated on a single system.
- Return type:
- static plot(data, n=None, show=True, show_stats=False, plot_ood=True, ax=None)#
- Returns:
A plot of the data.
- Return type:
- Parameters:
data (DataFrame) –
n (int | None) –
show (bool) –
show_stats (bool) –
- system_run(rep_id, latent_dim, embed_dim, algo_cls, algo_kwargs=None, fit_kwargs=None, act_kwargs=None, noisy=False, test_ood=False, system_seed=None, algo_seed=None, **kwargs)#
For a given system latent dimension and embedding dimension, instantiates system and for a specific N, evaluates the algorithm on the system. Across runs, the algorithm is re-initialized with the same seed.
The seed in algo_kwargs and system_seed in system_kwargs takes precedence over the seed passed to this function.
- Parameters:
algo_cls (type[AbstractAlgorithm]) –
algo_kwargs (dict | None) –
fit_kwargs (dict | None) –
act_kwargs (dict | None) –
noisy (bool) –
test_ood (bool) –